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Office of the Party & Administration
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        Office of the Gaoxin Campus

        Department of Finance and Property

        Department of Human Resource

        Department of Teaching Affairs

        Department of Student Affairs

        Committee of Teaching Instruction

        Department of Admission & Examination


        Department of Logistics

        Department of Basic Medical Science

        Department of Humanity and Social Science

        The First Department of Clinical Medicine

        The Second Department of Clinical Medicine

        The Third Department of Clinical Medicine

        The First Department of Nursing

        The Second Department of Nursing

        Department of Public Health

        Department of Pharmacology

        Department of Art and Science

        Department of Stomatology 


Copyright (c) 2007 Kunming Medical University Haiyuan College 云教ICP备 0709007 滇ICP备07003921号
Address: No.389 Haiyuan North Road Gaoxin High-tech Development Zone, Kunming, Yunnan. Postcode: 650106
Tel: 0871-68317446